As a result of a multimillion-dollar renovation, Lake Braddock offers students an education in state-of-the-art classrooms in which technology supports a commitment to academic excellence. Lake Braddock Secondary School operates on the basic premises of academic excellence, discipline, creativity, and high expectations.
Housed in one of three secondary schools in Fairfax County, Lake Braddock middle school students are grouped into teams of approximately 125 students. We practice and embrace the middle school team approach to monitoring student achievement. A guidance counselor, one teacher for each core subject area, and a learning disabilities resource teacher are assigned to each team of students. The teachers and guidance counselors get to know their students well.
Lake Braddock's SAT scores are above the national average, and over 80 percent of the students attend four-year colleges. Advanced Placement courses are offered in every major discipline. The guidance department enhances the efforts of teachers by monitoring student academic progress, consulting with parents, promoting college and career counseling, providing support groups and peer mediation programs, implementing testing obligations, and establishing mentoring opportunities.
An extensive and varied electives program expands concepts presented in core classes and offers opportunities for exploration in the fine and practical arts. Extracurricular, community, and athletic activities allow students to explore interests and grow socially. Many programs have a volunteer component to support additional exploration in other interests and social growth.
Lake Braddock Secondary School is a school in which the dream for success for all students becomes a reality.