High School New Student Orientation

High School Subschools

Your subschool will be your "home base" throughout all four years of high school. Your subschool administrator also stays with you all four years of high school. 

Subschool 3 (Student Last Names A-Coh) 703-426-1130 Anna Weaver

Subschool 4 (Student Last Names Coi-Hi) 703-426-1140 Alison Reeves

Subschool 5 (Student Last Names Hj-Mil) 703-426-1150 Saleh Abu Ghannam

Subschool 6 (Student Last Names Mim-San) 703-426-1160 Scott Darwin

Subschool 7 (Student Last Names Sao-Z) 703-426-1170 Carlos Gonzalez

Visit the LBSS Administration webpage to contact and get to know your subschool administrator.

High School Student Services

The High School Student Services team is here to support YOU throughout your high school journey. Whether you need support with academics, post-secondary planning, or social emotional concerns - we are here for YOU! You are assigned to your counselor based on your last name. Visit the HS Student Services Staff webpage to find and connect with your counselor.

Student Account Information

Below are the main student accounts you will use during your time at Lake Braddock. All of your accounts are streamlined and use the same log in information known as your network ID and password. Your network ID is your student ID number.

SIS StudentVue: This account allows you to keep track of your academic progress in the classroom in  real time. 

Schoology:  Schoology will help you stay organized this school year. It is where you will go to find all your assignments, resources, and announcements for your classes and groups. You can also use Schoology to communicate with your teachers. Check out this FCPS page: Schoology Student Account Overview.

Google Classroom: Google classroom is one of the platforms used by teachers to upload assignments, share important information with students, upload materials or videos for a specific unit of study, and to share announcements and updates. Additionally, students can communicate with their teachers, receive feedback and submit work through google classroom.  Your teachers will provide you with a Google classroom code so you may join their class!

Naviance Student: Naviance is a hub for information regarding college and career exploration throughout high school. It provides students with the opportunity to generate short and long term goals a they progress through high school. It is often utilized by the high school counselor for grade-level presentations.

Get Involved and Stay Healthy

Lake Braddock has countless ways to get involved and become part of our community. From sports to theater to volunteering with your friends-- if you can imagine it, you can find it at Lake Braddock.  Passionate about a club or activity that is NOT currently at Lake Braddock?  No Problem!  YOU can be the person who starts a new club!
At Lake Braddock, we believe in the importance of your academic success, and we believe just as strongly that your physical, social, and mental well-being are essential components in your time at Lake Braddock and beyond. While some of our opportunities to get involved may be altered during distance learning, please continue to check out the links below for future opportunities. GET INVOLVED  and STAY HEALTHY, BRUINS!

Staying Connected

One of the best ways to become a part of our Lake Braddock community is to stay connected! Below are several options for receiving information and staying current on opportunities and upcoming events at Lake Braddock. You can also receive weekly updates from school leadership through News You Choose.

The New You Choose: (eNotify): The News You Choose digital newsletter offers parents the opportunity to receive timely information about the schools and county departments of their choice. When signing up, parents will be able to "select" which News You Choose publication they'd like to receive through the eNotify email system.  

PTSA Newsletter:  an informative newsletter for all members of the PTSA, with information on upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and events both academic and social sponsored by our PTSA.

Parent Accounts

Below are the main accounts used by parents and guardians to support your students while they are at Lake Braddock.  Click on the name of the account in bold to link directly to information about the account and with help creating your account for the year.

SIS ParentVue: the SIS ParentVue account allows you to keep track of your child's academic progress in the classroom in real time. Click the link above to find out more about accessing SIS ParentVue, creating an account, or requesting tech support if there is a problem with your account

Schoology:  Parents use their Student Information System (SIS) Parent account to log in to Schoology. Check out the FCPS Schoology: Parent and Guardian page for more information!

NOTE: You need to have an active Student Information System (SIS) ParentVUE Account to be able to login to your Schoology Parent account. The same username and password are used to access both the SIS ParentVUE and Schoology.

MySchoolBucks: My School Bucks is a one stop shop for payments to the school for lunches, class fees, senior dues, field trips, and any fees incurred over the course of your child's high school career. The account allows you to have one place where you make all of your payments, if you choose!.

Naviance: Naviance is a hub for information regarding college and career exploration throughout high school. It provides students with the opportunity to generate short and long term goals a they progress through high school. It is often utilized by the high school counselor for grade-level presentations.