About Us

Learn about Lake Braddock Secondary!

Our Vision 

Lake Braddock Secondary School prepares all Bruins to be connected, adaptable, resilient, and engaged learners by developing students’ knowledge and skills through authentic teaching and learning experiences with a focus on rigor, curiosity, Portrait of a Graduate, and transfer of skills. And by developing students’ understanding of self and community with a focus on responsibility, service, empathy, social-emotional learning, equity, and inclusion. This will be accomplished through voice, choice, and innovative approaches to ensure all our Bruins thrive in a dynamic world. 

starRead about our Purple Star distinction.

Our Middle School Profile

Our High School Profile

Administrative Team

Staff Directory

Lake Braddock Overview

Lake Braddock Secondary School provides instructional services for students in grades 7-12.

All Lake Braddock Middle School students belong to an academic team consisting of students who have the same teachers for English, math, science, and social studies. One learning disabilities teacher is assigned to each team to coordinate services for learning disabled students on the team. In addition, there is a counselor and an administrator on each team. Elective classes are located in different wings of the building. PE classes and gym lockers are in the gymnasium.

Lake Braddock High School students in grades 9-12 are located in Subschools III-VI. Students are assigned to a subschool and counselor by alphabet. Each subschool has an assigned administrator. View the subschools by administrator by accessing the Adminstrative Team page.


Fairfax County Public Schools