Current Events Pictures
On 11 November 2023, Lake Braddock Secondary Cadets participated in a Veteran's Day JROTC Drill Competition at Alexandria City High School, 3330 King St., Alexandria, VA 22302. The event was to recognize veterans and their service by performing regulation and exhibition drill matches for their entertainment and to display the passing of military disciple through time honored drill which dates back in the U.S. to Valley Forge in 1778!
In 1775, when this country was striving for independence and existence, the nation’s leaders were confronted with the problem of not only establishing a government, but also organizing an army that was already engaged in war. From the “shot heard around the world” on April 19, 1775, until Valley Forge in 1778, U.S. revolutionary forces were little more than a group of untrained civilians fighting against well-trained, highly disciplined British forces. For three years, General Washington’s U.S. troops endured many hardships, including a lack of funds, food rations, clothing, and equipment. Additionally, they suffered loss after loss to the superior British troops. These hardships and losses mostly stemmed from a lack of military atmosphere and discipline in this country. Recognizing the crisis, General Washington (through Benjamin Franklin, the American Ambassador to France) enlisted the aid of a Prussian officer, Baron Friedrich von Steuben. He immediately began writing drill movements and regulations during the night and teaching a model company of 120 men during the day. Discipline became a part of military life for the 120 individuals as they learned and perfected von Steuben’s military drills. They learned to respond to commands without hesitation. This new discipline instilled a sense of alertness, urgency, and attention to detail in the men. Confidence in themselves grew as each man perfected the drill movements. As they mastered the art of drill, they began to work as a team—developing a sense of pride in their unit. Later, General Washington dispersed the members of the model company, who were well versed in drill, throughout the U.S. Army to teach the discipline. From this drill instruction, they improved the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the Army.
Drill is the foundation of JROTC—it reflects the structure of the program. It visibly and physically represents the chain of command. Drill teaches Cadets to work together from small teams of three to five Cadets, to battalions numbering in the hundreds. Drill helps:
• Everyone know where they fit in the organization
• Facilitate task organization
• Facilitate command and control
• Facilitate mission or task accomplishment.
Throughout history, armies have practiced drill. In times of war, leaders used drill to move troops and equipment quickly from one location to another in an orderly manner. Drills also show how many individuals can move as one unit in a flawlessly timed effort.
Teamwork is the effort of a group to complete a task or goal. Successful teamwork requires each team member to cooperate with other members of the group to complete the effort as directed. As you read in the history of drill, teamwork and cooperation was a natural result of successful drill.
Someone practicing good followership knows how to act as a member of a team. Good followership is essential to good team performance. There are certain qualities or traits of followership that all team members must display to ensure their team is capable of accomplishing its tasks and goals. They include competence, dedication, professionalism, and self discipline.
Virginia Military Institute and Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Alumni return to share experiences with JROTC Cadets

Current Events Part 2
On 20 November 2023, Lake Braddock Secondary School JROTC Alumni returned from Virginia Military Institute and Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets to speak to all JROTC Cadets about Scholarship opportunities, admissions, life in the Corps of Cadets, and both military and civilian leader track paths. Many people believe that if you attend VMI or VT Corps of Cadets then you will have a military obligation, but that is false. VMI and VT Corp of Cadets offer a Civilian Leader path for those that do not wish to pursue a military path or those that do not medically qualify for military service. The four Corps of Cadets pictured above where all peers in the Bruin Battalion JROTC Program. They spoke to current JROTC Cadets on how JROTC make them better and very prepared for the Corps of Cadets. They spoke about how the Lake Braddock JROTC Career/Post High School Presentations gave them focus on their goals. Current JROTC Cadets at Lake Braddock will begin drafting their Career/Post High School Presentations papers and PowerPoint presentations after Thanksgiving break. Current Cadets will work on them until 15 December before Christmas/Holiday Break and present them to the class via PowerPoint beginning 4 January 2024. Things to give them focus that must be covered in the presentation are as follows:
If you plan to go to college / technical school: What college? What are the requirements to get in (GPA, etc.)? What is the cost? How are you going to pay the cost (Work, Parents/Guardians, Military Reserve/National Guard, Military College, ROTC, Service Academy, Scholarship, Grants, etc.)? What is the degree plan and how long does it take? What is the graduation rate of that degree plan? What does the job market look like for that degree plan? Do you plan to live on campus or off campus and how much does it cost? Don't forget utilities!
If you plan to go into the workforce: Where do you plan to work? What are the requirements to the job (High School Diploma needed)? Do you have any current experience or certification (academy classes, etc.)? Where will you live and how much does rent cost for the area? Utilities for an apartment/home vary on how much you use. Do research to find out how much the average is paid for utilities in the area (water, sewer, trash, electric, internet/cable, etc.).
If you plan to join the military: Have you spoken with a recruiter? Have you taken the ASVAB? What branch of service are you interested in (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force)? What type of job would you like to do in that branch of service (if you qualify)? Any other details you would like to share (duty stations would like to go, military schools you plan to attend if you qualify, and slots are available)?
In all situations always remember costs that can be forgotten such as: food, vehicle payment (if applicable), vehicle insurance (if applicable), cost of fuel and maintenance (if applicable), etc.
Consider the points below when planning you future:
•Your passion and skills
•Your personality
•Your goals
•Your values
•Your options
•Your potential salary
•Your job prospects and outlooks
•Your education costs and training
•Your resources at home and school
•Your learning opportunities
•Checkout these resources by clicking on the links below:
•How to Choose a Career: 10 Most Crucial Things to Consider – College Foundation of North Carolina
•Occupational Outlook Handbook
On 3 November 2023, Lake Braddock Bruin Battalion attended the 26th Annual Veteran's Conference in Washington DC to meet veterans and hear the stories of our Nations heroes. We used this day to honor Veterans and to reflect on their stories while watching clips from each war while listening to speakers tell their stories of loss, difficult times, motivation, bravery, and lessons learned to give Cadets an idea of the veteran's experience in combat. Cadets were given the opportunity to ask questions from veterans of World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam to compare and contrast the differences from each war while learning the purpose behind why the veterans fought and what their lives where like before and after the wars.
The purpose of the field trip is to provide an informative, safe, and activity-filled history and leadership experience. This field trip was designed to inform and motivate our Cadets to take pride in JROTC, United States Military History, and to keep moving forward when faced with adversity like the heroes of our past. The keynote speaker was Retired Navy Admiral Michael Mullen, 17th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who served forty-three years of uniformed service to the nation. His words of better citizenship, leadership, and service to the country where inspirational to LBSS Cadets.
The event was hosted at the historic Omni Shoreham Hotel 2500 Calvert St. NW Washington, DC on 3 November 2023
On 4 March 2023 Lake Braddock Army JROTC Conducted a Color Guard at the K-Community Center. Korean American Foundation sponsored "Talk Concert in D.C. 1:99" featuring guest speaker Jason Pak, a United States Military Academy graduate from West Point Class of 2011. Jason Pak was deployed to Panjwai, Afghanistan in October 2012 and by December 12, 2012, he was seriously wounded by an IED while leading a foot patrol. Mr. Pak talks about his experience as a leader and his story of recovery, providing to be inspiration for the future of young people. The Korean American Foundation sponsored event Color Guard was coordinated by Color Guard Commander Cadet Major Sonya Erickson and consisted of four Korean-America Cadets, Chanwoo Do, Isaac Kim, David Kim, and Kyle Lovejoy. The opening ceremony for this day is meant to meet, network with the K-Community members, and use their Portrait of a Graduate skills to collaborate and communicate a Color Guard for their audience.

On 4 March 2023 Lake Braddock Army JROTC competed in a Regulation Drill & Ceremony Competition in the 2023 Carroll County Spring Drill Competition in Sykesville, Maryland. The LBSS Army JROTC Drill Team came in 2nd Place for Armed Platoon Inspection.
On 12 January 2023, LBSS JROTC began their Post High School Plans / Career Presentations. All Cadets are required to conduct the presentation from grades 9th-12th. Below are the instructions and questions they must cover.
If you plan to go to college / technical school: What college? What are the requirements to get in (GPA, etc.)? What is the cost? How are you going to pay the cost (Work, Parents/Guardians, Military Reserve/National Guard, Military College, ROTC, Service Academy, Scholarship, Grants, etc.)? What is the degree plan and how long does it take? What is the graduation rate of that degree plan? What does the job market look like for that degree plan? Do you plan to live on campus or off campus and how much does it cost? Don't forget utilities!
If you plan to go into the workforce: Where do you plan to work? What are the requirements to the job (High School Diploma needed)? Do you have any current experience or certification (academy classes, etc.)? Where will you live and how much does rent cost for the area? Utilities for an apartment/home vary on how much you use. Do research to find out how much the average is paid for utilities in the area (water, sewer, trash, electric, internet/cable, etc.).
If you plan to join the military: Have you spoken with a recruiter? Have you taken the ASVAB? What branch of service are you interested in (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force)? What type of job would you like to do in that branch of service (if you qualify)? Any other details you would like to share (duty stations would like to go, military schools you plan to attend if you qualify, and slots are available)?
In all situations always remember costs that can be forgotten such as: food, vehicle payment (if applicable), vehicle insurance (if applicable), cost of fuel and maintenance (if applicable), etc.
On 23 December 2022, LBSS JROTC Cadets visited and toured the White House in Washington DC. This trip consisted of Cadets only and their family members. The trip was organized and led by Cadet Major Sonya Erickson who is the Bruin Battalion Training Officer. She used her POG/POL Skills to communicate, collaborate, and coordinate with a member of the Secret Service and scheduled a semi-guided tour. The tour provided Cadets with interesting facts and niche information about the portraits, rooms, and the Christmas decorations put up annually. The trip provided Cadets with a fun and insightful experience of some unfamiliar US history in detail.
After the tour Cadets discussed the White House history, different presidents, paintings, special items, and rooms they had seen in the White House over a warm breakfast at the Silver Diner in Fairfax. Cadets displayed collaboration and communication about their favorite fun facts and experience from the rare opportunity that they will remember for a lifetime!
These events aligned with some of the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate Skills (POG). POG was adopted within FCPS in 2014 to ensure that students develop attributes and skills that will empower them to be productive citizens of a global community and successful in the workforce of the future:
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Creative and Critical Thinker
- Ethical and Global Citizen
- Goal-directed and Resilient Individual
On October 15, JROTC worked in a workshop with the Military Order Of World Wars local Chapter at the National Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, VA. The workshop is aimed to give JROTC Cadets from all branches (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps) the ability to work together to take ideas of best practices to use at their units/schools.
Cadets also communicated and collaborated with each other while conducting critical thinking and problem-solving to address solutions that plague our JROTCs.
The Cadets from each program communicated about their specific program and how it operates while addressing six points in their briefing:
- Full Name and Rank
- Name of School
- Leadership Position in the JROTC Unit and Responsibilities Associated with that Position.
- Why I Joined JROTC
- What JROTC has Taught Me
- My Goal and Ambitions
These events all aligned with the FCPS Portrait of a Graduate (POG). POG was adopted within FCPS in 2014 to ensure that students develop attributes and skills that will empower them to be productive citizens of a global community and successful in the workforce of the future:
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Creative and Critical Thinker
- Ethical and Global Citizen
- Goal-directed and Resilient Individual
We are always proud of our LB JROTC! Thank you to Captain Guardo and Sergeant Wiles!
On 16 November 2022 Lake Braddock Army JROTC displayed their better Citizenship Skills and Bruin CARE attributes by CAREing about their school by contributing to the cleanliness and safety of our school campus. we have 9 full trash bags! The pictures are from 4th period and 2nd period today. Our Cadets even found a Lake Braddock Laptop Computer in the woods! The Cadets turned in the computer into IT who was able to identify who it belonged to and will prep it for turn-in. Cadets also found over one hundred tennis balls thrown and hit into the woods behind the tennis court. Cadets threw away one bag of tennis balls before we had the idea to take a picture with the second bag of balls found. There are still several tennis balls that we could not reach due to the brush and overgrowth. The Cadets stated, "in order to have a greener world we must ban tennis!"
On 11 November 2022 at 11:00 am on the 11th month, Lake Braddock Secondary's Army JROTC performed a Color Guard for General Dynamics Information Technology (GDTI) to honor Veterans Day and the Service-Connected Staff and customers at GDTI. GDTI prides itself with supporting some of the most complex government, defense, and intelligence projects across the country. GDTI brings the expertise needed to understand and advance critical missions. GDTI's mission is in transforming, and shifting the ways clients invest in, integrate, and innovate technology solutions. GDTI offers the technology transformations, strategy, and mission services needed to get the job done. Today, LBSS Army JROTC Cadets were happy to play a part in their important program!

Above: On 11 November 2022 at 2:00 pm, Lake Braddock Secondary's Army JROTC performed a Color Guard for The Virginian Senior Living Home in Fairfax, VA to honor Veterans Day and the Service-Connected Staff and residents at the Virginian. The Virginian Senior Living Home prides itself with supporting senior residents with many special programs such as Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care, and Rehabilitation. Today, LBSS Army JROTC Cadets were happy to play a part in their important program!
On 5 November 2022 Lake Braddock Army JROTC competed in a Raider Meet in Baltimore, Maryland. The events consisted of the following:
- Modified Army Physical Fitness Test (MAPFT)
- One-Rope Bridge
- 5-Kilometer Run
- Litter Carry
- Logistics Relay
- Fireman's Carry Relay
The LBSS Army JROTC Raider Team came in 2nd Place Overall.
In preparation for Veteran's Day next week, the Lake Braddock Army JROTC Bruin Battalion participated in the 25th Annual Veteran's Conference Field Trip on 4 November 2022. The purpose of the conference is to hear the stories of past veterans about their experiences and lessons on leadership. Very few WWII veterans are alive today and Lake Braddock Army JROTC showed our support and learned from their stories. We are the only Army JROTC unit invited to attend this event as the event is mainly for ROTC and Military Academy students to attend. This was also a great opportunity to meet and speak with the ROTC and Military Academy students from around the country about their College experiences and why they desire to serve in the military.
Recently, the Army JROTC displayed their better Citizenship Skills and Bruin CARE attributes by CAREing about their school by contributing to the cleanliness and safety of our school campus!