Information about resources and workshops to help you complete the FAFSA®.
What Students and Their Families Need to Know
It is now easier than ever to apply for financial aid!!!
What High School Educators and College Access Counselors Need to Know
Higher Education Opens Doors to Opportunity
Every high school senior who wants to pursue higher education has all the resources and tools they need to receive Federal Financial Aid!
- Social Media Helpful Resources
- Helpful Links
- Better FAFSA Toolkit for Students & Families
- Better FAFSA Toolkit for Counselors & Educators
- Pro Tips for the 2024–25 FAFSA® Form
- 6 Things Students Need Before They Fill Out the 2024–25 FAFSA® Form
- How To Submit the 2024–25 FAFSA® Form if Your Contributor Doesn’t Have an SSN
- Federal Student Aid Estimator