Health Room

Staff contact, student medication, illness procedures, and more

Health Room staff does not process immunization records. Student Services manages all immunization records. For Middle School, reach out to Angela Santizo at @email . For High School, reach out to Lisa Cipolla @email or Sandy Coleman @email.


Phone Number

Hours and Location

  • 7:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
  • We are located near the intersection of the two main hallways on the first floor. 


  • Jocelyn Iraheta, BSN, RN - Public Health Nurse - @email  
  • Andrea Madayag. BSN, RN - Public Health Nurse - @email
  • Anna Vallejo - School Health Aide - @email
  • Makayla Santiago - School Health Aide - @email

Health Information for Lake Braddock SS

The Health Information Form is to be completed by the parent or guardian at the start of each school year. The completed form is to be returned to the school health room.

Prescription Medications

Children who need to take medication during school hours must have a signed Medication Authorization, Release, and Indemnification Form. Prescription medications require the signature of both the parent and the physician. Inhalers and EpiPens require authorization forms.

Over-the-counter Medications

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are drugs that can be purchased without a doctor's prescription and are used for the relief of symptoms on a temporary basis. With parent and physician authorization, OTC medications may be given on an "as needed" basis throughout the school year. Parents may authorize limited use for 10 consecutive days with a completed Medication Authorization FormExamples include antihistamines for allergic reactions.

With parent permission using the Medication Authorization Form, certain OTC medications may be given on an "as needed" basis throughout the school year only as a pain reliever for headaches, muscle aches, menstrual cramps, or orthodontic pain. The medication must be supplied by the parent in its original container. Examples include Tylenol, Advil, Pamprin, and aspirin.

Transport of Medications to and from School

Parents or guardians must transport medications to and from the school. With parent or guardian approval, a high school student may carry an unopened over-the-counter (OTC) medication to and from the school health room.

Scheduling Medical Appointments

Please make every effort to schedule appointments outside of school hours. When this is not possible, please send a note to the school on the morning of the appointment stating the time the child will be picked up. Children should bring appointment notes to their subschools before the first period of the day. The student's name will then be shown on an early dismissal list so teachers will know the student is not cutting class. For safety reasons, parents must sign out children in the office.

Release of Student from School

Only those individuals designated on the Emergency Care Information form will be contacted either to excuse or take your student home. If the health room contacts you to excuse your student from school, the health room must have voice contact with the responsible adult to dismiss the student from school grounds. In an emergency, 911 will be called prior to contacting the parent.

Attendance: Can My Child Go to School?

When students miss too many days of school, they fall behind and struggle to keep up with their classmates. Whatever the reason for the absence, the result for the student is the same — learning time is lost. Children and adolescents will get sick at times and may need to stay at home, but we want to work with you to help minimize the number of days your student misses school. Call your child's subschool as soon as you know your child will be absent and tell the subschool staff why your child will be out and the symptoms they are experiencing.