High School English

Subject Administrator

  • Assistant Principal, HS

    Subschool 5 Assistant Principal - last names Hj-Mil 

    Subject Administrator:

    • HS Social Studies

    Administrative Assistant:

Department Chair

Department Staff

Lake Braddock High School English Department FacultyThe Lake Braddock High School English Program

The intent of the high school English program is to achieve the following goals for English students:

  • they will see themselves as confident, capable writers
  • they will become interested, discriminating, lifelong readers and speakers
  • they will express themselves clearly, appropriately, and effectively in writing and speaking
  • they will work effectively and cooperatively with others
  • they will think critically, creatively, and independently
  • they will appreciate the power and beauty of language and its effect on their lives
  • they will develop confidence in their ability to set goals, assess strengths, weaknesses, and progress

The Lake Braddock English Department is committed to helping students discover talents, increase competence, strengthen expression, develop imagination, and stretch academic and personal expectations. The Lake Braddock English Program is an integrated, process-based program in which teachers employ a variety of methods to meet the needs of every student and to create an environment where learning is active and personalized. The program is an integration of processes, content, and activities as defined by the Lake Braddock English faculty and based on the objectives delineated in the Fairfax County English Program of Studies.

Rising Freshmen English Course Offerings

Current Students English Course Offerings