Cadet Knowledge
Cadet Curriculum at U.S. Army JROTC - this website is maintained by the US Army Cadet Command and contains LET 1-4 curriculum.
Bruin Battalion Cadet Knowledge Guide
Bruin Battalion Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
The Junior ROTC Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC cadet.
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of cadets.
I am loyal and patriotic.
I am the future of the United States of America.
I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.
I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.
I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.
I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the
American way of life.
May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
Chain of Command
- Commander and Chief President Donald Trump
- Secretary of Defense Honorable Patrick M. Shanahan (Acting)
- Sec of Army Honorable Dr. Mark T. Esper
- Army Chief of Staff GEN Mark Miley
- TRADOC Commander GEN Stephen Townsend
- Cadet Command Commander MG John R. Evans (CSM Kenneth J Craus)
- 4th BDE Commander COL Farell Duncombe (CSM Christopher Newson)
- Sergeant Major of the Army SMA Dailey
- (Parts of the Chain of Command may change)
General Knowledge
What is the mission of JROTC?
- To motivate young people to be better citizens
What is the key to success in JROTC?
- The key to success in JROTC is teamwork
What does LET stand for?
- Leadership, Education, and Training
What does “JCLC” stand for?
- Junior Cadet Leadership Challenge
What is your winning color: explain why?
- Brown – Builder
- Green – Planner
- Red – Adventurer
- Blue – Relater
- (Example) My winning color is brown which means I am a builder, and this means that my interests show that I am a hands-on individual.
Who created JROTC, where, and under what act?
- Captain Alden Partridge in Norwich Vermont at the American Literary, Scientific, and Military academy.
- The National Defense Act of 1916
What is the name of the Army Song?
- The Army Goes Rolling Along.
What is the Army Motto?
- This We’ll Defend
What day is the Army’s birthday?
- June 14th, 1775
What are the three branches of government?
- Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Name the 3 components of the U.S. Army
- Active Army, Reserves, and Department of civilian workforce
What major Command does JROTC fall under?
- US Army Cadet Command
How many Brigades is Cadet Command comprised of?
- 8
What Brigade do you belong to?
When did the Continental Congress in Philadelphia create the 1 st Stars and Strips flag?
- June 14th, 1777
Who wrote our National Anthem?
- Francis Scott Key
When did Francis Scott Key write our National Anthem?
- The War of 1812
What is the name of the “National March”?
- The Stars and Stripes Forever
Who wrote our National March?
- John Phillip Souza
Who made our first flag?
- Betsy Ross
When was D-Day?
- June 6, 1944
When was the Pearl Harbor attack?
- December 7, 1941
How many Supreme Court judges are there?
- 9
How many people in the House of Representatives?
- 435
What is the definition of leadership?
- The ability to influence others to accomplish a mission in the manner desired, by providing direction, purpose, and motivation.
What is the definition of a subordinate?
- A person of lower rank/grade
What are the rank titles of noncommissioned officers?
What are the rank titles of commissioned officers?
- 2LT, 1LT, CPT, MAJ, LTC, COL, BG, MG, LTG, GEN, GEN of the Army
What positions make up the battalion staff?
- S-1 Adjutant – Personnel Actions
- S-2 Information/Security
- S-3 Operations
- S-4 Logistics
- S-5 Special Projects
What are the 3 parts of the “Pyramid of Authority”?
- Chain of Command – Guarantees all members are on the same team
- Span of Control – The immediate subordinate’s one leader can effectively control
- Unity of Command – Only one commander
Who is a private’s first line supervisor?
- Squad leader
What are the 7 Army values?
- Loyalty
- Duty
- Respect
- Selfless-Service
- Honor
- Integrity
- Personal Courage
What are the 3 leadership styles? Can you give examples?
- Directing – One-way conversation from the leader, subordinates have little knowledge, time is a factor.
- Participating – Leader solicits ideas, subordinates have some knowledge, time is not a factor.
- Delegating – leader delegates authority, subordinates have experience and knowledge, time may or may not be a factor.
First Aid
What is the definition of first aid?
- The immediate care given to an injured/ill individual to keep them alive or stop further damage until help arrives.
What are the three types of bleeding?
- Arterial
- Venous
- Capillary
What is a tourniquet? What type of bleeding was it used for? Who can remove a tourniquet?
- Tourniquet- a device for stopping the flow of blood through a vein or artery, typically by compressing a limb with a cord or tight bandage.
- It is used for Arterial bleeding
- The person who can remove the tourniquet is the Medical professional
What are the three types of heat injuries?
- Heat cramps
- Heat Exhaustion
- Heatstroke
Name /Explain some types of burns.
- 1st degree burn - mild compared to other burns. They result in pain and reddening of the epidermis
- 2nd degree burn - Second-degree burns (partial thickness burns) affect the epidermis and the dermis (lower layer of skin). They cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.
- 3rd degree burn - severe burn characterized by destruction of the skin through the depth of the dermis and possibly into underlying tissues, loss of fluid, and sometimes shock.
What are the 4 life saving steps?
- Clear the Airway, stop the bleeding, treat for shock, and bandage the wound.
What is the Heimlich maneuver used for?
- To clear a blocked airway
What is mouth to mouth used for?
- To restore breathing
What do the letters “CPR” stand for and what is it used for?
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; to restore the heartbeat and breathing to a patient
What does the acronym R.I.C.E. represent?
- R = Rest
- I = Ice
- C = Compression
- E = Elevation
In CPR, approximately how many compression per minute?
- 100
In CPR, what is the ratio for compressions/rescue breathing?
- 30 compressions - 2 rescue breaths
In CPR, how far should you compress the chest area?
- 2 inches
What are the types and sizes of the flags?
- Garrison- 20’x 38’
- Post- 10’ x 19’
- Storm- 5’ x 9 ½’
How should you raise and lower the Flag?
- Raise it briskly and lower it ceremonially.
How do you raise the flag to half-staff?
- Raise it briskly to its peak and then lower it ceremonially to half-staff
What do the colors of the flag represent?
- White: Hope, purity, and innocence
- Red: Hardiness and valor
- Blue: reverence to God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice
Why would a flag be flown upside down?
- A sign of distress
What is a Gig line?
- Is when the shirt is in line with the belt buckle and the zipper seam of the pants
How do you wear the cord on your uniform? What does it represent?
- You wear it on your left shoulder depending on what cord it is. It represents what team you are on
What angle should your feet be at in the position of attention?
- 45 degree angle
How are the different items worn on your ASU?
- Beret
- Name plate
- Ribbons/awards
What is meant by the FITT factors?
- Frequency, intensity, time, and type
What are the 3 phases of fitness conditioning?
- Preparatory, conditioning, and maintenance
What are the events in Cadet Challenge?
- Curl-ups, pull-ups, v-sit reach, shuttle run, and 1-mile run/walk
Winning Colors
Name the four dominant categories of behavior in Winning Colors® and their corresponding color.
- Planners - Green
- Builders - Brown
- Relaters - Blue
- Adventurers - Red
What is the purpose of Winning Color power words and how can they be used?
- Winning Color power words can be used to appeal to the preferences of others and communicate more effectively.
If you exhibit Winning Colors ® “builder” behaviors, name some power words that will appeal to you.
- Always leading people
- Power
- Results
- Responsible,
If you exhibit Winning Colors ® “planner” behaviors, name some power words that will appeal to you.
- Changing and improving
- Analyzing
- Being my best
- Thinking
If you exhibit Winning Colors ® “adventurer” behaviors, name some power words that will appeal to you.
- Test the limits
- Do it now
- Excitement
- Fun
If you exhibit Winning Colors ® “relater” behaviors, name some power words that will appeal to you.
- Always liking to be with people
- Friendly
- Giving
- Let’s get along with each other
What is the best description of a Planner?
- Quiet, introspective, and detail oriented. They are also good listeners and tend to hide their feelings.
What is the best description of a Builder?
- Natural leaders who express themselves openly and directly and are also rule-governed, dependable, and loyal.
What is the best description of a Relater?
- Those who like sharing ideas and feelings, who work well in teams, and who are social and love to talk.
What is the best description of an Adventurer?
- Action-oriented people who live in the present, are flexible, and thrive on spontaneity
Drill & Ceremony
What are the three methods to teach drill?
- Step-By-Step, Talk Through, and By-The-Numbers
What command is given to revoke a preparatory command?
- As You Were
How do you measure a marching step?
- From Heel to Heel
Where does the guidon bearer stand in a company formation?
- When the unit is formed, the guidon bearer is one step in front of and two 15-inch left steps to the right of and facing the person forming the unit (the person forming the unit is facing the unit.)
The configuration shown is the Class A Uniform, and it is expected to be worn every uniform day. Uniform days will be once per week, day depending upon when you have class. The uniform will be inspected on uniform days as a graded exercise; the standards outlined in AR 670-1 (Army Regulations Manual) must be met for a perfect score.
Higher LET-level cadets should exercise enforcement of the uniform standard.
The uniform is much more than a piece of clothing. It is an honor to wear the uniform to represent yourself, South Lakes High School, and the United States Army. Conducting yourself with class and pride is essential.
Male-Specific Standards (Enlisted) |
Female-Specific Standards (Enlisted) |
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Male-Specific Standards (Officers) |
Female-Specific Standards (Officers) |
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Army JROTC Cadet Awards