High School World Languages
Subject Administrator
- Assistant Principal, HS
Subschool 4 Assistant Principal - last names Coi-Hi
Subject Administrator:
●SPED-Cat B/FanQuest
● World LanguagesSupervision:
●HS Admin CT Lead
●SR&R (HS)
●New Staff Mentor(HS)
●11th GradeAdministrative Assistant:
Department Chair
- Spanish Language Teacher, HS
Staff Information
- Spanish Language Teacher, HS
- Spanish Language Teacher, HS
- Spanish Language Teacher, HS
- French Language Teacher, MS
- Spanish Language Teacher, HS
- French Language Teacher, MS
- Japanese Language Teacher, HS
- Latin Language Teacher, HS
- Spanish Language Teacher, HS
- Korean Language Teacher, HS
- Spanish Language Teacher, HS
- Spanish Language Teacher, MS

Description of the Lake Braddock High School WORLD LANGUAGES program:
The World Languages Program of Studies focuses on students' ability to function in the language in a variety of contexts meaningful to them. Primary emphasis is placed on developing students' proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing as well as cultural understanding. In Latin classes, the speaking and listening skills are emphasized to a lesser extent. Both National Standards and the Fairfax Framework for Student Success support the philosophy that all students should have the opportunity to learn a second language.