High School Special Education

Subject Administrators

  • Assistant Principal, HS

    Subschool 4 Assistant Principal - last names Coi-Hi

    Subject Administrator:

    ●SPED-Cat B/FanQuest
    ● World Languages


    ●HS Admin CT Lead
    ●SR&R (HS)
    ●New Staff Mentor(HS)
    ●11th Grade

    Administrative Assistant:

  • Assistant Principal, HS

    Assistant Principal MS/HS – 7th-12th grade

    Subject Administrator:

    ●MS/HS SPED-Cat A


Department Chairs

Special Education - General Curriculum Department Staff

Special Education - Adapted Curriculum Department Staff

Resource Teachers

AudiologistDr. Ashley Willcoxanwilcox@fcps.edu(link sends email)
DHOH ItinerantKristin Nesselkmnessel@fcps.edu(link sends email)
Speech and  LanguageDr. Susanne Cookspcook@fcps.edu
Speech and LanguageJordan Smithjsmith5@fcps.edu(link sends email)
Occupational TherapistDana McCormickdlmccormick@fcps.edu
Physical TherapistClaudia Woodruffcawoodruff@fcps.edu
Physical TherapistMelissa Caseymacasey@fcps.edu
PsychologistBrittany Asperbnasper@fcps.edu(link sends email)
Social WorkerAnna Ghafoorinhghafoori@fcps.edu(link sends email)
Social WorkerCamille Mountjoyclmountjoy@fcps.edu(link sends email)
Visual Impairment TeacherJamie Whildinjnwhildin@fcps.edu(link sends email)
Orientation and Mobility Danielle Serfozodeserfozo@fcps.edu(link sends email)
Assistive Technology TeacherGenie Yurgaitesgryurgaites@fcps.edu
Career and Transitions ServicesKristen Morgankbmorgan@fcps.edu
Career and Transition ServicesBonnie Kolbenstetterkbradda@fcps.edu

Description of the Lake Braddock High School SPECIAL EDUCATION program.
Special Education teachers provide a range of services for students with documented disabilities. The Individual Education Plan developed for each student determines student needs and services required.

SAT Local Application Form for Requesting College Board Accommodations
The information from the local application form will be utilized to electronically file your request to the College Board by Lake Braddock’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Coordinator. 

Local Application Form

ACT Services for Students with Disabilities
ACT’s downloadable applications to test with accommodations(link is external) Information provide several different options