High School ESOL
English Speakers of Other Languages
Subject Administrator
- Director, Student Services, HS
●HS Student Services
●HS Assessment Coach
●Advisory/WIN Time (HS)
●AP Coordinator
●College & CareerContact
Department Chair
- ESOL Teacher, MS
Department Staff
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- Physics Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, MS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, MS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, MS
Description of the Lake Braddock High School ESOL program
The mission of the FCPS ESOL program is to develop the English proficiency of students while advancing their academic achievement and to support them in becoming productive, contributing citizens in the United States and an ever-changing global society.
What we strive to accomplish:
- To develop students' English language proficiency and academic skills;
- To create supportive learning environment that values and builds on students' academic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds;
- To employ best instructional practices;
- To build connections between ESOL and school wide instructional programs;
- To encourage participation of students and their families within the school community.
Family Liaison (Spanish) @email (703) 426-1048
Work Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-2:30pm
Family Liaison ( Korean) @email
Work Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 12:00pm-4:00pm