How to Start a Club
New club/activity applications for 2025-2026 school year will be accepted from August 22, 2025 - February 27, 2026.
Want to Start a New Club?
In order to start a new club, you need a sponsor. Once you have secured a sponsor, complete the following paperwork and turn it into the Student Activities Office (E-110). Please note: The sponsor must initial next to their name on the Club application.
- Club Cover Sheet
- Club Application
- Club Constitution
- Club Student Interest Form
- Club Application Help Video
Additional Information
- All forms must be typed or they will not be accepted
- Prospective sponsors need to initial the application sheet above their name
- Club Application form item #7 should include this blanket statement: “All activities as approved by local administration”
- The club should be open to “All LBSS students grades 9-12” and written as such in Article VII- Membership of the Club Constitution
- HS clubs cannot have middle school members, however, the MS can create a similar club to collaborate with a HS club.
Need Assistance? Please email Meagan Tubbs, ADSA-Clubs & VHSL Activities