SOL Schedule and General Information

Participation in testing is extremely important.  Please make every effort to avoid appointments on the scheduled testing days.  If this is unavoidable, it is imperative you reach out to your student’s counselor to notify us that your student will be assessing on the make up day.  In addition, please impress the importance of being on time to school on testing days. 

Spring 2025 SOL testing calendar and bell schedule


What SOLs does my Middle School student take?

7th grade:  Reading and Math (the math SOL will be content specific to your math course)

8th grade:  Reading, Math (the math SOL will be content specific to your math course), Science, IRW (March)

**If you have specific questions regarding your student’s expected testing, please contact their counselor directly.

What SOLs does my High School student take?

9th grade:  Math (the math SOL will be content specific to your math course), Science (the Science SOL will be content specific to your Science course).

10th grade:  Your student “may” take an SOL for a specific math or science course solely dependent upon their 9th grade success (please contact your student’s counselor if you need additional clarification).

11th grade:  Students will take their EOC English tests during this year.  This exam consists of 2 tests:  Writing and Reading.  Lake Braddock English 11, 11HN and 11 DE participates in the Writing WorkKeys, a substitute test in January taken during class time.  ALL English classes are required to take the EOC Reading SOL as this is a federal requirement.

12th grade:  Students will be notified if they are required to take an SOL this year.

**If you have specific questions regarding your student’s expected testing, please contact their counselor directly.

Important Laptop Information

  • SOLs must be taken on FCPS issued laptops.
  • Personal laptops cannot be used for SOLs.
  • If you are experiencing technical issues with your laptop, please go to room B122 to have a tech look at it for you.
  • On the day of testing if you do not have a laptop, please go to the testing office in C101.
  • If you opted out of obtaining an FCPS school-issued laptop, please go to the Testing Office (C101) the day before your scheduled SOL test to obtain a loaner.
  • All students have been provided a charger with their Chromebook.  Students are REQUIRED to bring their chargers in on testing days as we do not have chargers for loan.

SOL Testing Notifications

  • Students will receive an email to their FCPS school email the week before the testing window begins which will tell them where they need to go and any other testing information. STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO CHECK THEIR EMAIL.
  • If you have trouble locating your email, please go to your subschool
  • locate-email

Cell Phone & Electronic Device Policy

  • All internet and Bluetooth connected devices (phones, smart watches, tablets, earbuds, headphones, etc.) are not permitted during SOL testing and should be stored in your locker or another safe place prior to testing. They should not be brought to any test location.
  • If a phone, smart watch, or other electronic device is brought to a testing location, the student will be asked to remove it from his/her person and store it away from testers. LBSS staff are not responsible for students’ personal property during testing, so we ask that all students choose a safe location for storing their devices prior to testing.
  • If a student is found to have a cell phone, electronic device, or any other internet- or Bluetooth-connected device on them once testing has started, they will be removed from testing and subject to an investigation by an administrator.
  • Any use of an internet or Bluetooth connected device in the testing room may result in a search of that device and the student’s score may be canceled, resulting in a 0 (zero) on the test if cheating is suspected. Students who are suspected of cheating may not attempt the SOL again until the next year’s window.

Additional Information for Academy Students

  • Academy students will be asked to follow the revised LBSS bell schedule on each day of SOL testing
  • Academy students may attend their academy class as long as it does not cause them to miss an LBSS class or SOL test
  • If the revised schedule allows for academy students to attend their academy class without missing anything at LBSS, then they can go ahead and attend the academy class.
  • If the revised schedule prevents academy students from going to Academy on a certain day and they have a period where they do not have a class to attend at LBSS, they should check with their Subschool to find an alternate location